

Het InSCI onderzoek is beschreven in een speciale uitgave van het American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Hierin wordt een gedetailleerd overzicht van de opzet van het InSCI onderzoek en de enquête gegeven. Bovendien beschrijven alle deelnemende landen hun huidige kennis over de zorg en leefsituatie van mensen met een dwarslaesie in hun land en hoe in elk land het InSCI onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd.
Alle artikelen van de speciale InSCI uitgave zijn hier beschikbaar.

Het verzamelen van gegevens is nog in volle gang. Data-analyse en de daaruit voortvloeiende publicaties worden vanaf juli 2018 verwacht. Wij houden u via deze website op de hoogte van publicaties.
The International Spinal Cord Injury Survey and the Learning Health System for Spinal Cord Injury
A. Cieza
The International Spinal Cord Injury Survey and the Learning Health System for Spinal Cord Injury
G. Stucki, J. Bickenbach
Research Articles
A Structured Approach to Capture the Lived Experience of Spinal Cord Injury
C. Fekete, M. Post, J. Bickenbach, J. Middleton, B. Prodinger, M. Selb, G. Stucki
Stakeholder Dialogue as Deliberation for Decision Making in Health Policy and Systems
S. Rubinelli, P. von Groote
Study Protocol of the International Spinal Cord Injury (InSCI) Community Survey
M. Gross-Hemmi, M. Post, C. Ehrmann, C. Fekete, N. Hasnan, J. Middleton, J. Reinhardt, V. Strøm, G. Stucki
Rehabilitation Services Provision and Payment
C. Gutenbrunner, M. Blumenthal, V. Geng, C. Egen
The Cross-Cultural Societal Response to SCI
D. Pacheco Barzallo, M. Gross-Hemmi
The Implementation Challenge and the Learning Health System for SCI Initiative
G. Stucki, J. Bickenbach
Country Reports
People with Spinal Cord Injury in China
J. Reinhardt, Y. Zheng, G. Xu, X. Lu, Y. Yin, S. Liu, Q. Gao, X. Xiong, C. He, H. Li, J. Li
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Germany
M. Blumenthal, V. Geng, C. Egen, C. Gutenbrunner
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Greece
C. Rapidi, A. Kyriakides
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Indonesia
A. Tulaar, M. Karyana, L. Wahyuni, A. Paulus, D. Tinduh, F. Anestherita, G. Wangge
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Israel
M. Zwecker, J. Wolff, T. Shaoul, G. Zeilig, I. Treger
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Italy
A. Baricich, A. Amico, M. Zampolini, F. Gimigliano, C. Cisari, P. Fiore
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Korea
Z. Han, B. Lee, W. Kim, S. Lee, H. Im, C. Kim, K. Song, H. Ko, M. Bang, C. Park
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Lithuania
A. Juocevicius, I. Jamontaite, A. Adomaviciene
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Malaysia
J. Engkasan, N. Hasnan, Y. Yusuf, L. Latif,
People with Spinal Cord Injury in the Netherlands
M. Post, C. Nooijen, K. Postma, J. Dekkers, F. Penninx, R. van den Berg-Emons, H. Stam
People with Spinal Cord Injury in New Zealand
M. van den Heuvel, L. Jansz, X. Xiong, B. Singhal
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Norway
V. Strøm, G. Månum, A. Leiulfsrud, P. Wedege, T. Rekand, A. Halvorsen, L. Fjellheim, J. Stanghelle
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Poland
P. Tederko, R. Jagodziński, M. Krasuski, B. Tarnacka
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Portugal
I. Campos, P. Margalho, A. Lopes, C. Branco, F. Faria, J. Caldas, M. Cunha, M. Andrade, J. Lains
People with Spinal Cord Injury in South Africa
C. Joseph, E. Scriba, V. Wilson, J. Mothabeng, F. Theron
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Spain
M. Avellanet, M. Gonzalez-Viejo
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Switzerland
M. Gross-Hemmi, D. Pacheco Barzallo
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Thailand
A. Kovindha
People with Spinal Cord Injury in the United States
C. Richards, N. MacKenzie, S. Roberts, R. Escorpizo
Whole InSCI Report
InSCI Special Issue